▬▬ yee

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Clover :)



那天1陣烈日 1陣大雨 1整個下午

1轉眼成長了 散了 沒結局的傳說 他還記不記得

現在書簽破了 公園拆了 我也不再哭

才懂得了 有個男孩曾經讓我全心付出  ♡ :)


那裡有好多的回憶 跟朋友的吵吵鬧鬧 離離合合

我們的歡笑聲 都很讓我懷念

在那裡也有很多討厭的事 就是被老師逼著做運動 跑草場

開心的是和朋友聊天 1起加油打氣 說說笑笑的

有時會挖苦你 有時會算你 看到了喜歡的人

還是追求者 會喊你名字的 好多好多哦 都好喜歡

不過這些回憶漸漸的模糊了 好捨不得

恨不得可以記住每個細節 特別是開心的時候

草場有著我們開心 生氣 疲累 厭倦 傷心流過的汗水

才會變成現在的回憶 我很珍惜 不知道你們是不是也會  :)


不應該勇敢 ಇ


人是孤單的個體 卻離不開人群

我們選擇了愛的人 卻選擇不了愛情

忍住了眼淚 卻忍不住我瘋狂的想念

孤單的人總是不怕1個人的孤單 卻怕在人群中狂歡結束後的不安

人越是逃避 反而越是放不下這情感

你的習慣 從今後讓別的人去習慣


不是我的 我不霸佔

不應該勇敢 不顧身去愛

受傷才明白 幸福另1面就是隨時要準備離開

身旁黏著甩不開的悲哀 你不知道我還在等待

我想找回 當初的感覺

可是我再怎麼努力 也找不回了



這戲少了另1半 1半的愛 還有什麽好看



Thursday 23 May 2013



傷心過後又能怎麼樣 還是1樣要過

不過 1 看了 都會很心疼很難過

就算會鬱悶 卻還會忍不住想知道

本來就不怎麼要好 可是怎麼的那麼的難過

不想失去 任何感情 就不行嗎 我真的有那麼貪心嗎

不是故意 隱瞞 還以為你會懂 你早就懂

對不起 我不知道怎麼開口

今天考試好差哦 化學吖><

全都不會的 不及格定了 唉


這1次的化學 我交的答案 跟交白卷沒兩樣

真的很怕 拿成績單 看到又是紅字


慘定了 假期都不懂怎麼過好

: 抱抱 安慰


算了啦 傷心難過有什麽用

怪自己 不努力 讀好

明知道 這個學期的化學


卻還不讀好來 活該吧


天空暗暗的 看似也在為我的表現哭泣


別想了 還有事情還沒解決呢



是我太貪心的報應吧 算了~



Monday 20 May 2013

phobia :(


1 days to go.. I'm still biting my books and scered of the exam would kill me soon

sigh.. nobody nothing can help me. but only the way is burning the midnight oil

hmmm.. another thing I worry about is the allodoxaphobia I will face soon after exam

that is Choice Phobie Disorder, fear of opinions

I quite hate to decide anything or pick some choices

Just now I felt that I was in the moment of  ambiguous relationship

Maybe, we haven't know each other deeply and the time we stick along is not too long

it means that relationship is still 'fresh' and simple

but once choosing to be together, then it would be another sad case.

I dwn to refuse or even hear or see the queation and requestment

as I dwnt to lose the secial ambiguous friendship with someone

and our friendship will last longer

I know I'm greedy and selfish

by the way this is the best solution ever

Otherwise I quit and should'nt be so close with..

Hopefully that I have expected wrongly and all these won't be happened

And keep going on without 'appearance of sad case'

p/s No matter what happen I should responsible to it as it's my false.
I did do wrongly in the beginning..
Am I greedy to have a friend that will stay along and without any 'blossom', further relationsip?
I'm dreaming maybe :)

I ain't going to hurt anybody instead hoping that all of you will be happy even if no me
Nope.. It should be that I'm not important at all, only I feel so and too 'valued' myself towards you all
Actually is I need you rather than you need me.. :)

Feeling sad and depressed again.

having a sudden thought that wanna tell you what's my feeling now

I can imagine that only 2 result:

I'm guessing wrongly and embarrased, then our relationship will go on


That's true. Apologising to each other. Having a decision and the end. Also I will feel uncomfortable for a moment

Scared, really.. and I'm sorry to you

Whatever it will be. You must be happy forever. I wish to you :)


Saturday 18 May 2013

Expressing .. :)


Spending a little time to express my feeling  that i want to write down

2 more days to go. Exam is coming. 

But I'm still blogging and emotional here

Still many notes, books that I hv to bite it off

I think I can't finish it within these few days due to my laziness and procrastination >< HATE

I will make them disappointed again :'(

I may get a horrible result again :(

Hmmm.. I browsed back my post and saw that's lots things about HIM== and my memories

I like to do so, read through what I'm posting in the past

And start feeling what was my feel when writing those words, sentences about him or else

Hahaa.. Every time I did so I feel stupid and foolish

But quite touch and I think it will be the simple, pure love in my life ever

Okie.. Now I'm also not bad albeit quite busy

Ermm.. Actually playing more than studying

Haizz.. Better study hard now and sweet later

Gam.ba.té ^^ and good luck I wish to myself and those who's gonna sit for exam

p/s Recently I fall in love in We Got Married and also Running Man
Feel sweet in WGM and funny in RM hahaa..
I love the MölanG bunny so much. How could I get them? I want them truly ><


♡ ♥ (*^_^*) 嘻嘻


my beloved grandpa‘s bday

my beloved grandpa‘s bday

Ah Gong's BDay

Ah Gong's BDay