▬▬ yee

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Untitled Relationship

这几天 仿佛从1个做了好久的梦醒了
那段不知名的关系 就这样结束了🔚
到最后剩下的 也许是谎言 也许是不信任
谎言也好 不信任也罢 都不重要了吧
即使知道以后回首 看见现在的自己 会觉得很愚蠢 为了这些事难过
但都还是要经历 慢慢习惯 慢慢不在乎 慢慢放下 慢慢学会祝福

这段不知名的关系 没有付出很多 也没有收获很多
期间有想过结束这样的关系 可是还是没做到
到真的要结束了 却又真的舍不得 百般的不想
想挽回 却找不到理由 也知道他现在正经营着会幸福的关系
结束后 就算曾厚着脸皮打扰 被拒绝了 很难过 心里也还抱着1丝希望
有时候真的不知道自己哪来的信念 可以坚信着
或许是我太执着 又或是自欺欺人 让自己暂时好过些
是很笨 可是却还傻傻的相信着


'欢聚后 真的格外冷清'


Tuesday 4 July 2017

想 念

那些好 那些温柔


感觉好像 还在

即使忙了 也会心疼被晾在1边的另1伴


即使过了耳听爱情的年龄 还是喜欢这样被哄着

就算当时你不是真心的 也还是相信着

........ 再也回不去

Saturday 1 July 2017

情人节 遇见


遇见了 会害怕




Tuesday 17 May 2016

🌉 💒 🐾

dont know why i still wanna keep it although the one lives happily now
maybe just a memory that i feel should keep it in the deep heart

"and now i walk alone
an empty heart the precious moments gone" - The Only One


Sunday 12 July 2015

💔 hurt, then let it go

即使1個人再完美 也不是原來喜歡的那個 原來的那個人就算對自己再不好 再不理不睬 也還是偏偏喜歡 不是我不想變 祇是我試過我很努力的不去想不去在乎 可是遇到了還是會動搖 說好的重新開始都變得不算數 到了現在 該努力告別了
與你告別是條漫長的路 而我在路上了

"他喜歡她 不是因為她的樣子
她喜歡他 不是因為他為她做的事
而是跟他在1起時 能1起做的事"

I love you,
not only for what you are,
but for what I am
when I am with you.

I love you,
not only for what
you have made of yourself,
but for what
you are making of me.

Monday 7 April 2014

Caffé Bene♥ Korean Coffehouse

 💒 ❤ ☕ 🍧 🍨 🍰 🍵

Caffé Bene

Caffé Bene is a coffeehouse based in Seoul, South Korea. Caffé Bene is the largest coffeehouse in South Korea. The brand name ‘Caffé Bene’ is came from word ‘bene’ that means ‘good’ in Italian.

‘Caffé Bene’, this name brings the meaning of ‘good café’.

Can’t wait to be there, Caffé Bene and grab the bingsu~~

Caffé Bene johahae A great place to have a tea time or a break  :)

喜欢这地方 呵呵 有我喜欢的冰 这咖啡屋是韩国最大的咖啡品牌 所以有韩国的味道 真的很想快点去吖

Caffé Bene bingsu*
strawberry & cookie cream
green tea

Caffé Bene  coffee*

 Caffé Bene  waffle*
 gelato waffle

Caffé Bene  gelato*

看了这些 有股冲动想自己1个人去那里诶 呵呵 1个人背包旅行 1直都想做的事
现在没工作做 都呆在家 看到Caffé Bene的广告说要聘请员工 有注明part time baristas are welcomed^^
打了几份工 可没试过饮食服务业 barista是我很想挑战的1份工作 想试试看


Tuesday 24 December 2013

Happy Birthday~^^


今天生日 知道不會有什麼慶祝 雖然心裡是希望過得特別點 比以前有1點點的不1樣 是有點貪心了 也知道我這貪心不會實現 現在祇想得到在心裡覺得最重要的人的祝福 這點小小心願應該不會很過份吧 祝我生日快樂 許個願 希望接下來不會過得那麼難過 會比起之前好1些 也希望我認識的每個人都幸福健康 :) 也要謝謝我媽在那年的今天辛苦的把我生了下來 有機會的時候 我想每1年的今天都送1份禮物給她 也少不了我爸那份 雖然說19歲了 在我的意識裡覺得這年紀有點老了 因為歲數快2字頭了嘛 可是卻有好多好多事情都做不到 所以想快點再長大點 這樣就可以照顧和保護我想珍惜的人 happy happy birthday to me~^^


Monday 2 December 2013



권지용 權志龍 Kwon Ji Yong
지드래곤 G-Dragon

I pay close attention to him, GD recently. He is the leader of Big Bang.
I keep following him through his public social network sites since I watched their parody of Secret Garden.
G-Dragon as GRaim in the parody Secret Bug Bang. He is very cute and quite funny in the parody. haha...
GD is a songwriter, lyricist. He is not only fashion icon but also a talented singer. That's why I'm proud of him.
He has composed lots of songs. I like almost all his songs. Heartbreaker, Crooked, Who You? and etc
In the MAMA awards 2013 that was in Hong Kong on 22 November 2013, he was the biggest winner. Also, he is the artist of the year.
In order to know more about him, I found out the passed video about him, watched through the variety show he went.
hehe.. hopefully he will be more and more success and get brighter in his life.

today, he posted a video in his instagram. I like this video so much. He is cute and playful. He almost fell down when he slipped the staircase. hahahaa..

GD's instagram♚ :xxxibgdrgn 


my beloved grandpa‘s bday

my beloved grandpa‘s bday

Ah Gong's BDay

Ah Gong's BDay